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Category Archives: Bulls

Bulls category

Sisters Fight Mad Bull.

Animal Attacks Another, But Girls Succeed in Driving Him Away.      Winona, Minn.-In Saratoga, this county, lives James Ferrier, with two daughters, who are no strangers to fear, as has just been shown by their risking their lives to save a $200 shorthorn bull belonging to their father.      The animal had just been bought, […]

A National Slaughter.

     Statistics published in Spain state that during 1904 nearly 12,000 bulls were killed in Bull fights. The bulls killed about 10,000 horses. The best and most valuable bulls of the arena are raised on the vast estates of the Duke of Veragun, who has made a fortune out of his bussiness.


     On Tuesday Last, Isaac James Esq., of Fremont, in this county came very near losing his life in a contest with a beligerent bull that he was attempting to drive out of a grain field into which the animal had jumped. Although armed with a pitch-fork, that he used freely after the unruly bovine […]

Gored By a Bull.

     Patrick Bows, an Irishman, residing in this city, had a narrow escape from death on Thursday morning last. He was leading a Bull [his own property] to water, and as he was returning from the river the brute, for some reason unknown, became enraged, and turned ferociously upon Mr. Bows, knocking him down, treading […]

Animals As Despots.

  Tyranny of the pampered sacred Beasts of Asia.      In Benaras the Person Who ill Treats a Monkey Runs the Risk of Being torn to Pieces-How the Holy Bull Victimizes the Bazaar Man.      Readers of Kipling’s “Kim” which gives a better picture of Indian life than anything else in print, may recall how […]

Twelve Die In Bull Fight.

Published in The Lake County Independent, Libertyville, Illinois on 05/22/1903.      A special dispatch from Madrid announces that in a bull fight at Algeciras the amphitheater collapsed and twelve persons were killed and fifty injured. Several women and children were gored by the bulls.

Battles With A Bull.

Published in The Lake County Independent, Libertyville, Illinois on 05/15/1903. Armed with a pitchfork a farmer’s wife holds animal at bay.      Armed with a pitchfork, Mrs. James Morton, a farmer’s plucky wife, living near Flanders, N. J., for nearly an hour kept at bay a vicious bull that had attacked and nearly killed her […]