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Monthly Archives: February 2011


     A startling report comes from the region known as the Kaskaskia Bottoms, in this state, to the effect that during the past nine months from 10,000 to 15,000 hogs have died of trichina in that neighborhood. At first it was believed to be hog cholera but recent examinations leave no room to question the […]

Pigs Feed on Nut Trees.

     It is an undisputed fact that in Morocco pigs climb trees in search of nuts, says the Los Angeles Times. Not only pigs but goats. The puzzle is not in the pigs and goats, however, for they are the common variety that we see here. It is the tree that is strange. It is […]

Bullfighters Alarmed.

President to be Petitioned to Permit the Shows to Continue After American Occupation.      At a recent meeting of the professional bullfighters in Havana it was determined to forward to President McKinley a petition that, after the beginning of American control, there be no legal steps taken to prevent them from carrying on their amusement. […]

Sharp Mister Fox.

     About a dozen farmers boys in New Hampshire turned out one Saturday last winter to hunt down a fox that was known to have his lair in a hill. Reynard was finally routed out, and after leading the crowd a chase of ten miles he doubled back and his trail was lost near a […]

Pigs To Eat Up All Garbage At Ft. Sheridan Soon.

     Fort Sheridan, Sept. 24-A threatened invasion of Fort Sheridan by an army of pigs today reached the ears of the wealthy residents of the North Shore and caused much agitation. The pigs may be sent under the Hoover plan to absorb the garbage. The amount thrown away each day would feed a regiment of […]

A Wild Boar Hunt in the Fastnesses near Bald Point, Ky.

     From the Covington Advertiser.      On Saturday about 150 persons, with dogs, guns, etc. met in the public square of Union, organized under the leadership of Mr. Clarkson, and proceeded to the farm of J. D. Smith, on Gunpowder, which a vicious wild boar had visited the night previous. Here Medoc, a noted dog […]

Pig’s Bladders As Decoys.

Suggestion They Would Be Mistaken for Chinese Heads in Water Won Prize as Best Idea.      During the war between China and Japan in 1894 Viceroy Liu kun-yi issued a proclamation offering a reward to any one who could suggest a plan for destroying the enemy fleet. The prize was won by an old literary […]

Most Thrilling Of Sports.

Pig-sticking Not the Form of Amusement That Would Appeal to the Mollycoddle.      One of the most thrilling of all sports is pig-sticking. Armed with a steel-pointed bamboo spear some seven or eight feet long, and mounted on a fast, well-trained horse, the pig-sticker waits outside a patch of covert until the beaters’ cries announce […]

Buffaloes Are Increasing.

Nearly Two Thousand Accounted For in Special Census.      The total number of buffalo, or bison, both full and mixed blood, known to exist is 1,940, according to a report submitted to Congress by the Interior Department. Of this number seventy-two are running wild, fifty of which are in Colorado, and the remainder in the […]

Chased By a Bear.

     The following extract from the Hunter’s Feast forms the conclusion by the “hunter naturalist” about a “Deer hunt in a Dug Out.” He and Dick were after venision in their canoe by torch light:      “We had scarcely passed this point, when my attention was attracted by a pair of fiery eyes that glistened […]