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Category Archives: Bulls

Bulls category


Bulls Couldn’t Stand Before an Auto. Paris, Sept. 30.-A dispatch from Bayonne to the Figaro describes a bull fight which occurred there yesterday in which an automobile replaced the horse of the picador. The novelty drew an enormous crowd, but seven bulls in succession turned tail and fled at the sight of the auto.

Treed By A Mad Bull

F. W. Dubbs, Farmer, is Found Dead in Tree of Fright. Colt Kicks Another to Death and Horse Bites a Woman-Cow Knocks Woman Down-Rescued. Pittsburg, Pa., June 8.-Perils of farm life are reported in dispatches from rural communities in this and neighboring states. F. W. Dubbs, a farmer near Lisbon, O., had a battle with […]

Bull Fight

A bull fight was lately advertised at Placerville, California, but the Americans, not liking the Spanish amusements, lassoed the bull, whipped the matadores, and tore down the building.

Bull Routes Ball Team.

Angered by Brilliant Sweaters, Animal Pursues College Boys. The Dickinson College football team of Carlisle, Pa., had an encounter with a mad bull which gave the boys the chase of their lives. The team started on a cross country run and a few miles above Carlisle jumped over a fence into a pasture that contained […]

The Bull And Bear.

The N. O. Creasant of the 28th ult., has the following: Yesterday pursuant to public notice, came off at Gretna, opposite the Fourth District, the long heralded fight between the famous grizzly bear General Jackson [victor in fifty battles] and the Attakapas bull Santa Anna. The fame of the coming conflict had gone forth to […]

Encountering The Elephant.

A correspondent of the Baltimore Patriot, writing from Athens county, Ohio, on the 17th inst., relates the following: “I have just been wandering about the country in search of land belonging to some clients of mine; and in doing so have met with many amusing incidents. Only the other day, as a caravan of rare […]


The Queen of Spain attended a bull-fight on the 4th ult., at which fourteen bulls were killed.

Bull Attacks An Auto Which Threw Its Lights Upon Him.

Enraged Animal Near Fox Lake Resents Appearance in the Herd. Kicks And Butts The Car. First Attack Throws Headlights Over Car-Second Is Butting of the Radiator. While driving through what is called “The big hollow” north of Volo one night recently, Fred Nader, a farmer of McHenry county, was the victim of an enraged bull […]

Gored By Mad Bull Wauconda Farmer Is Terribly Injured.

Milking When Wild Bovine Swept Down Upon him and Battled With Him for Hour. Friends of James Monaghan, of Wauconda, were shocked Monday evening when news telephoned to the village that he had been badly hurt by a bull while getting up the cows for the evening milking. The bull came upon his victim unawares, […]


A woman was tossed by a bull in Pittsburgh. She had a baby in her arms, and, as she was thrown from a bridge to hard surface ten feet below, both she and the child were seriously injured. The owner of the bull was sued by the woman’s husband for damages, but there was no […]