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Her Pets Are Rattlesnakes.

Punlished in The Lake County Independent, Libertyville, Illinois on January 10, 1896.

A little Dakota girl who has a strange fondness for reptiles.

     The librarian on Congress recently received from an artist at Hot Springs, S. D., a photograph of Martha McIntyre, an 8-year-old child, who from her infancy has had rattlesnakes for pets. When she was 4 years old she found a huge rattler coiled up in the yard near her father’s house, and by some mysterious power was able to come close and take hold of him, which she did appatently without the slightest fear. Every month or so she would find a new snake in the woods near the house, and now she has as many as two dozen, none of which can be induced to leave hor. The photograph shows her pets writhing on some slats nailed to two boards, while Martha stands behind them, her hand on one of the reptiles which in moving from side to side. Some of these snakes are four feet long.-New York Sun.

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