Published in The Waukegan Daily Sun and Gazette on August 12, 1922.
    Frogmore, La. 12-When quail season rolls around, Colonel Tucker Gibson shoulders his shotgun and takes in leash Betsy, America’s only hunting hog.
    And he comes home with his game bag filled.
    Betsy, four-year-old offspring of a common southern razorback hog, is the equal of any bird dog in Louisiiana as a hunter, says Gibson. He’s refused scores of large offers for the animal.
    While Betsy still was a suckling, a hunter shot the sow that was raising her. The other pigs in the litter died and Betsy was near death when Gibson found her and put her in his pocket.
    Gibson had a bird dog that had lost her puppies. He placed the little pig in the dog’s care.
    As the pig grew up, it’s foster-mother took it on hunting expeditions. Gibson was amazed to see the pig do its best to imitate its foster-mother when game was discovered.
    Today when Betsy comes near covey her brisles stand straight up. She lifts her foot as a bird dog does. She tries to straighten the kink in her tail.    And quail dinners [in season] are never lacking at Gibson’s home.
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