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Girl Slays Two Bears.

Grizzlies attack young Indian maid, Who uses rifle and knife effectively.

     Pony, Mont.-Annie Big Elk, a 15-year-old Indian girl, living near here, fought a desperate battle with two grizzly bears, and finally killed them both, one of them with a knife and the other with a rifle. The girl was badly lacerated by the bears, but will recover.

     Annie was gathering berries in the mountains when she encountered the bears. She carried a small rifle, but feared to shoot, knowing that unless she killed the bears at the first shot there was little chance for her to escape.

     As she turned to flee the bears sprang at her, and in a second the fight was on. The girl fired bullet after bullet into the largest bear and finally killed it.

     In the meantime the other bear was attacking her and she found her rifle empty. Although her face, arms and hands were bleeding from numerous scatches, she drew her hunting knife and stood her ground.

     The fight lasted fully half an hour, she says. At last, by a lucky stroke, she reached the heart of the bear and the animal fell dead.

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