Little Boy Has Exciting Encounter With Vicious Animal.
      Perry Maxfield of Bloomfield, N. J., brother of Theodore Todd Maxfield, a well-known horseman, and nephew of Thomas Oakes, millionaire cloth manufacturer of Bloomfield, had an exciting encounter with a wild cat at Nashua, Fla. Maxfield was severely clawed by the animal, and his hunting dog was badly hurt. A farm hand saved Maxfield’s life by killing the cat with a club. Young Maxfield’s father, John F. Maxfield, owns an orange grove in Nashun. Chickens, ducks and other fowl have disappeared from his hennery, and suspecting that a chicken thief was plundering them, the Maxfields resolved to keep watch. At midnight they heard a commotion in the chicken house, and, armed with clubs and pistols, went there and discovered the cat. It sprang into a tree, but a shot from a pistol caused it to jump. It landed on young Maxfield’s back, biting and clawing until his clothing was torn to shreds. Maxfield’s dog went to his assistance and saved its master from futher injury. As it was fighting the cat George Pierson, a farm hand, attacked the wild beast with a club and dispatched it. The wild cat was four feet long, and is said to be the largest of its species ever seen in Florida. Young Maxfield recently had a battle with a rattlesnake, and was saved from death by the same dog that saved him last week.
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