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     Killed by Lightning.-On Tuesday, 15th inst., at 3 o’clock p. m., as a hired man in the employ of Mr. Thomas Goodbody, of the town of Deerfield, was plowing in a field near the house, the team was struck by lightning and instantly killed, as well as a young colt beside a mare belonging to the team. The man, James Duffy, was severely shocked, and the outside of his left leg, from the hip down to the foot, was severely burned and badly blistered. He was for a time paralyzed and rendered quite senseless, but Mr. Goodbody informs us that he is now able to talk, and strong hopes are entertained of his ultimate recovery. No marks of any kind were perceptible about either of the team, that would lead to show the cause of their instantaneous death, but the colt was slightly singed on the side. Reports are in circulation that Mr. Goodbody was himself either killed or badly injured, which, we are glad to inform our readers, is not the case, as he was at his house when the accident occurred. Mr. Goodbody has lost four head of horses this year, by lightning.

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