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Horse As Detective.


Captain Haas of Englewood Finds a “Fence by Novel Means.”

     The police of the Englewood district in Chicago recently discovered two men breaking into a house. To escape, the thieves jumped into a wagon drawn by an old grey horse. They were pursued so closely by the police in an express wagon that they were forced to abandon their rig to escape arrest. The old greyhorse was taken to the police station and put on short rations. A day or two later, Capt. Haas ordered the horse hitched up, and put two detectives in the rig. Throwing aside the line, the detectives chirped to the old horse and gave him a cut with a whip. The beast turned carefully around, so as not to upset the wagon, and started north at a lively trot. Half an hour later the old horse pulled up with a jerk and shook himself before a barn door in the rear of 2526 Prairie avenue. The detectives secreted themselves in the barn. They had not waited long before a man came through the barn. On seeing the horse he exclaimed: “Why, here’s old Bill! Come back home, did you? You old rogue.” The horse whinned and rubbed his head against the man’s shoulder. Springing from their hiding place, the detectives confronted the man and informed him that he was under arrest. At the police station the man was recognized as an ex-convict. In the barn where he was captured three wagonloads of plunder was found.

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