Lumber Men in Northern Minnesota Terrorized by Them.
    The Minnesota Legislature will be asked to increase the bounty for wolves and to provide an ample sum to defray the payments incident to the great slaughter which is expected to follow the unusual inducements. There is little doubt that the Legislature will respond, for the utter annihilation of deer in the northern half of the State is threatened by the great grey timber wolves, which have become alarmingly numerous.
    The northern part of Minnesota is one of the best deer-hunting grounds in the world. Wolves were not a pronounced pest in this region until a year or two ago, when it was noticed that they were increasing rapidly in numbers, and this winter they seem to be thick as rabbits.
    It is extremely difficult to kill the wolves. They are so wise that it is next to impossible to get a shot at them, to trap or poison them. Emboldened by hunger they will sometimes allow themselves to become a target for the rifle. Up in the great lumber region a veritable reign of terror exists among the men. The wolves keep them awake at night with their howling and the men are afraid of attack when night begins to fall, especially if they happen to be separated from the main body of the crew, as is often the case.
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