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Herr Driesbach. (Big Cats)

This celebrated lion-tamer is now living upon a beautiful farm within a mile of Potosi, Wis. He was recently in Dubuqe, Iowa, and went with a companion to a menagerie there, and the latter describes the visit in the following, interesting style;
On entering the canvass, which was before the audience began to collect, Herr desired us to stand before the cage of the Bengal tiger, and he remained at the door while. This tiger, from some old sore, had just as old a grudge against him, and in days of yore managed to give a marked demonstration of the fact. This cage was selected for the first test of recognition. While we were stationed immediately in front, Herr came sauntering along carelessly, habited in a farmers costume, as he neared the cage the tigers eyes began to glisten with great brilliancy as they bore directly upon him, and at the same time a low guttural growl began to raise in his throat which burst out into a ferocious howl as he leaped at the bars to get at him when he passed by. This experience was tried several times with like result, when Herr spoke to him his rage knew no bounds, leaping at the bars, he dashed his paw out to tear him, and only ceased when his old master walked out of sight.
“The next place we were desired to remove to was the large lion, two leopards and a lioness. We mention them thus, as it is the order they stand in their cage, it being divided into apartments. As Herr approached this cage the lioness caught sight of him, and her eyes beamed with pleasure, while tail wagged a glad recognition. On his coming up to her she appeared frantic with joy, and when he spoke to her and presented his face to the cage, she kissed him and placed her paw in his hand with all the air of an intense affection.
Indeed while he was in her presence, she did not know how to control herself, but would lick his hand while he attempted to pat her, roll over, reach out her paws to him and press her nose between the bars as through she would like to have a closer presence. While Herr was talking to the lioness, the old lion in the other end of the cage began to get jealous and grumble, for he too recognized his old friend. Herr said to him, “Billy getting jealous?” and then walked up to him, when the creature crowded against the bars to get closer to him if it were possible, and kissed his face and licked his hands with as great demonstrations of joy as the other. The leopards, too, in the same cage knew their old master, and watched him as they lay with noses close to the bars with evident pleasure, and seemed highly pleased when he spoke to them. In all our days we do not recollect any exhibition that gave us so much satisfaction as did this meeting of old friends and while we watched them in their congratulations, we could not make up our mind which one was the most delighted.

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