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Lizard in Girl’s Stomach.

Crawls into Her Throat After Meat When She is Masticating it.
A case that is exciting much interest among medical men in Dubuque, Ia., is that of a deaf and dumb girl named Clara Kunts, who is the unfortunate possessed of a live lizard in her stomach. The girl can feel it running up and down her throat, and at times it nearly suffocates her. It is particularly troublesome in the morning. The other day while she was eating a piece of meat it came up, snatched the meat and dropped back again. The doctors attending her have decided to starve her for a few days, and then by putting a piece of meat in her mouth induce the creature to come out far enough to be grasped by pinchers. It is thought she swallowed it some time ago, while it was very small, while eating raw cabbage.

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