We take the following paragraph from the Mobile Tribune of the 3rd inst:
Two men of our acquaintance of unpeachable veracity witnessed a scene the other day worth recording. They observed at the distance of some thirty feet from them a very strange and unaccountable conduct on the part of a bird-commonly called the “Cow bird,” resembling in color the mocking bird of this region, though somewhat smaller. On watching it narrowly, they discovered that it was engaged in a conflict with a snake some eighteen or twenty inches long. In a few moments the bird was victorious. It suddenly caught the snake by the head and flying with it to an old pine tree, succeeded, after a hard struggle in fastening it to a pointed splinter. Thus pinioned, the snake was entirely helpless. The bird watched for a moment with the utmost complacently, and then continued his repast, devouring in ten or fifteen minutes three fourths of the snake.
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