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Dog Takes Pride In Clothes.

Augusta Canine Seemingly Unhappy When Without Them.
There is a dog in Augusta, says the Augusta Chronicle, who dresses just like a man, wearing the regulation coat, vest, collar and cravat, and is very proud of his apparel, being seemingly very much distressed whenever his busy master does not have time to rig him up in his clothes.
If there are any who are “from Missouri,” they may be satisfied by calling at a blacksmith shop on Ellis street, near the city hall, where they can be introduced to him by his master, George Bailey, a negro employe of the smithy.
He wears them with a conscious dignity, and is hugely delighted when anyone stops to notice his attire and comment thereon. He will gaze intently at each speaker and joyously wag his tail when complimented upon his appearance.
It is not known what whim induced the blacksmith to clothe his canine pet “in all points like as we are.” But he certainly devised the dog’s dress most ingeniously. No detail is wanting. The cut of his coat is after the latest mode-has pockets, too-the collar is nicely laundered and the cravat is tied with correct smartness.
The first thing in the morning the dog must be properly dressed, or else he whines piteously. After he has been clothed according to his usual custom his joy knows no bounds, and he displays his pleasure with much barking and wagging of his tail. He has the utmost contempt for the host of naked dogs who roam about the streets and absolutely refuses to associate with them, manifesting a spirit of outraged indignation at their immodesty.

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