Woods had only five all told but the President got all he saw.
Only one shot by his own rifle.
Goes into the bush for bruin and shoots straight.-Other big game is killed.
Stamboul, La., Oct. 21.-“We got three bears, six deer, one wild turkey, twelve squirrels, one duck, one possum and one wildcat. We ate them all except the wildcat, and there was times when we almost felt as if we could eat it.” This was President Roosevelt’s summing up the results of his hunt on Bayou Tensas and Bear lake.
President Is Joyous.
He arrived at 3 p. m. at the residence of Leo Shields, where he was a guest until he made his departure for Vicksburg. He came in on a full gallop, and mounted and attired in hunting garb, the cavalcade presented a tablaeau as picturesque as it was animated.
Only Five Bears In Those Woods.
The president is slightly more bronzed than when he entered the wilderness from this point fifteen days ago, but he was never in better spirits in his life. “Yes we got three bears,” he added, “all that we saw, and I think that a pretty good record. I am perfectly satisfied.
“You might add,” interjected one of the Metcalf brothers, who has been the president’s principal guide throughout the hunt. “That we hunted a country of vast extent, and in which there were but five bears all told, and that of those, as you see, we got three.”
‘Possum Was the Best Dish.
Assenting to this amplification of his statement the president entered upon an enthusiastic account of his hunt, of his life in camp and the meats which he had been supplied while there. “Was the possum good?” he was asked. “Absolutely the best dish we had, except the bear’s liver,” he responded with relish. The president never appeared in happier frame of mind than on this occasion. He declared that his health had been perfect. His appetite equally good and with the exception of a day or two lost on account of rain had been in the saddle every day from daylight to dark.
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