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Household Snakes.

Giboias Are Used as Domestic Rat Catchers in Brazil.

In certain parts of Brazil, where the climate is intensely hot and where rats are a great nuisance, the common cat does not thrive, but is replaced by a domestic rat catcher whose presence causes a decidedly unpleasant sensation to visitors from the north when first they come in contact with the creature.
Giboias are a species of small boa constrictor employed very generally in Brazil for the purpose above mentioned. They sleep in the house, generally taking up their position at the foot of the stairs. When nightfall approaches they begin to wake up, and during the night they slide swiftly about the premises, looking for rats.
Giboias are offered for sale in the markets of Bahia and Pernambuco for prices ranging from $1 to $5, according to the size of the creature. It is said that they are so easily domesticated that if removed from one house to another they invariably return to the house where they have been taken. Often when one is bargaining with the broker for the sale or lease of a residence in certain part of Brazil the broker will expatiate with great eloquence the virtues and skill of the Giboias that come with it.-Harper’s Weekly.

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