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Love Of Music By Sheep.

We were surrounded by a large flock of sheep, which were leaving their fold to go to their pasture; one of our party took his flute out of his pocket, and saying, “I am going to turn Corydon-let us see whether the sheep will recognize their pastor,” and began to play. The sheep and goats, which were following each other towards the mountain with their heads hanging down, raised them at the first sounds of the flute, and all, with a general and a hasty movement, turned to the side from whence the agreeable noise proceeded. Gradually they flocked around the musician, and listened with motionless attention. He ceased playing; nevertheless the sheep did not stir. The shepherd with his staff obliged those nearest him to move on. They obeyed; but no sooner did the fluter begin again to play than his innocent auditors returned to him. The shepherd out of patience, pelted them with clods of earth, but not one of them would move. The fluter played with additional skill; the shepherd, exasperated, whistled, swore, and pelted the fleecy amateurs with stones. Such as were hit by him, began to march, but others still refused to stir. At last the shepherd was obliged to entreat our Orpheus to cease his magical sounds. The sheep then moved off; but continued to stop at a distance as often as our friend resumed his instrument.-German paper.

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