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Fishes Tamed By A child.

In a quarter of the town of Hingham, known as Rockynook, there is a pond where a little girl not six years old, who resides near the bank, has tamed the fish to a remarkable degree. Gradually the fish learned to distinguish her footsteps, and darted to the edge whenever she approached; and now they will actually feed out of her hand, and allow her to touch their scaly sides. A venerable turtle is among her regular pensioners. The control of Van Amburgh over his wild beasts is not more surprising than that which the little girl has attained over her finny playmates. Visitors have been attracted from a distance of several miles to the spectacle she exhibits. The fish will have nothing to do with anyone but their friend. They will trust no one else, let him come with provender ever so tempting. Even fish are not so cold-blooded but they will recognize the law of kindness, and yield to its all embracing power.-Bost. Trans.

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