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Remarkable Adventure With A Bear.

It was one day during the present week, that two boys, sons of Seth Manes, of Bradford township, Pa., one perhaps fifteen and the other eight or ten years of age, discovered a very large bear carrying a sheep through one of the fields. The oldest boy ran to the house, got a gun, gave chase, and, on coming up to it shot and wounded it in the nose. He then commenced reloading his gun and whilst he was doing so his little brother ran forward, or by some means [the particulars we did not learn] became engaged with the bear. The older brother than ran to the relief of the little fellow, and when he reached him received a stroke from the bear on the arm, which knocked him down, and the three then rolled together, gun and all. Presently the older brother got loose, pulled the gun from under the bear, and whilst it was holding the child in its arms, deliberately shot it dead. The bear is represented to have been a very large one, and to this fact, perhaps, the lesser boy is indebted for his life and perhaps both of them, as his arms were too long to crush so small an object, and the wound in his nose and mouth prevented him from biting.-Clarefield Banner.

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