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Not long since, a story, from a Nantucket paper, was published respecting a narrow escape of a young man from the jaws of a whale, in the Pacific Ocean. The following is his letter to his mother:
Pacific Ocean. Lat. 5 N. S. Lon. 109 d. W.-Dear Mother-Having a good opportunity to write, I improve it, and state that through the interposition of a kind Providence, my life has been miraculously spared, and I am able to write you-Four weeks ago I was seriously hurt by a whale. The whale stove all three of our boats, and got me in his jaw, knocked about one half the scalp off my head, but did not affect my skull. He stuck two teeth in my breast, and one in each thigh; one wound was six inches long and two deep, and he went off with four irons stuck in him. I suppose, dear mother, this was one of the narrowest escapes from death ever known, and so little hurt! Not a bone broken! And I have so far recovered as to be about, and Capt. Hussey thinks I shall be able to attend to duty, and my boat again in two weeks. This, dear mother, you may suppose will be a small satisfaction to me, but I assure you, that I would rather be in a boat fast to a whale, than anywhere else.
Augustus Male.

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