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55 Quintillons of Flies Killed Here in 2 weeks.

Don’t Wear Out Your Pencils, Folks-Here’s The Figure: 55,000,000,000,000,000.

Cost Was Only $110.00.

Residents of the city are asked to comply with the request of the lieutenants in the anti-fly and mosquito campaign and place on display on their premises the “Good Neighbor” cards which are being distributed.
During the two weeks that the school children received a bounty of 10 cents per hundred for every fly they swatted, the children killed 11,000 flies, according to the reports from the various schools.
The bounty upon these flies amounted to $110, and the Kiwanis clubs provided the funds for the payment of the bounties.
Inasmuch as each one of these 10,000 flies would produce 5,000,000,000,000 progeny in a season, it is figured the children have caused the death of 55,000,000,000,000,000 flies.
The children have become so enthusiastic in their swat campaign they are keeping it up despite the fact that bounties are no longer paid. The other day a youngster slipped up to a traveling man in a local store and before the man realized what it was all about the lad had swatted a fly on the salesman’s coat.
Men from the department of health under direction of Commissioner McDermott, are cutting cattails on the flats northeast of Waukegan, and the stagnant pools are being treated with oil.
The Glen Flora Country club has taken over the work of eradicating mosquitoes on their property by the use of oil.

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