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Kindness to Animals.

Van Amburgh could handle his lions and tigers with impunity. No animal will fail to respond to kindness and uniform good treatment. And especially will the noble horse respect and faithfully serve a master who deals gently and kindly with him. We have ourselves taken a spirited Morgan mare which had been rudely handled and become entirely unmanageable through harsh treatment, and, by appealing to her intelligence and respecting her needs, in three weeks time made her entirely safe and reliable for wife and children, and all who treat her kindly and handle her gently, and we have, after five years, seen the same mare resume her old vicious habits when again under the control of one who resorted to arbitrary or brutal treatment. Always appeal to the better instincts of the horse, the mule, the ox, the cow, as well as the dog and other domestic animals, and they will never become vicious or unmanageable.-Semi-Tropical.

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