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A Remarkable Dog Story.

     The Jefferson City [Mo.] Tribune: A gentleman of the name of Ewing, who lives in Vernon County, tells a remarkable story of the sagacity of a dog which accompanied him on his travels. While in the Short Creek timber, on his way to Joplin, the dog jumped and caught the horse by the bridle rein. Mr. Ewing drove the animal off, but it persisted in catching the reins, until the gentleman concluded it must be mad. Under the impulse of the moment he pulled his revolver and shot the animal, which ran back along the road over which he had come. In a few minutes Mr. Ewing missed his overcoat, which had been tied to the saddle. He turned back to find it, and, after riding about a mile, not only found his coat, but his faithful dog, which was lying on the garment dead.

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