From the Columbus {Ohio] News.
A farmer was living on the west side of the river, in walking about his place, discovered a nest of rattlesnakes in an old log about which several large pieces of rock lay scattered. Our friend had heard that hogs were death on snakes of all sorts, and not caring to attack the nest himself, he thought he would try the experiment and see a fight. He drove several hogs in the vicinity of the nest, and watched the result. The hogs soon seemed to scent the varmints, and commeenced rooting eagerly about the spot. In an instant half a dozen of the vicious serpents emerged from their hiding-places to attack the intruders who manifested a zealous disposition to go in.
A snake would rear himself to the height of the back of a hog, shake his rattles, and plunge his fangs into the animal with lightning-like celerity, and then dart away, pursued by the grunter, who dexterously received the sting upon the fleshy part of the lower jaw. Time and again this would be repeated, until the hog got his forefoot upon the snake, when he would deliberately rip Mr. Snake in twain, and then devour him. This slaughter continued until all the snakes were disposed of, when the hogs grunted contently, and without any signs of being disturbed, waddled off in search of other provender. The eyewitness to this singular contest, which was not without its exciting features, declares himself convinced that a pig is impervious to the poisonous bite of any kind of serpent.
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