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Horse Attacked Man; Bit a Piece Out of His Arm.

Henry Perry of Grayslake Was the Victim of Unusual Accident on Saturday.

Rushed Here To Hospital.

Is Given Large Doses of Antitentanic Serum to Prevent Getting Lock-Jaw.

     Henry “Mac” Perry, 37 years old, a well known resident of Grayslake, was attacked and painfully injured by a vicious stallion on Saturday. Had it not been for a boy living in the neighborhood the victim might have been more seriously injured or perhaps killed by the animal. As it was, a large piece of flesh and muscle was bitten from his arm.

     For the last few days Mr. Perry had not been feeling well and he may not have been quite as gentle as usual in caring for the stallion. He anticipated no danger, however, for although the animal always had been high spirited, he never had known him to be really vicious.

     Suddenly the stallion swung his head around and in so doing knocked Mr. Perry to the ground. Before the latter could escape the horse reached down and took a bite out of its owner’s arm. Again he reached forward as if to inflict still further injury. A neighbor’s boy happened to be nearby and seeing Perry’s danger he ran to the scene and drove back the horse. He then caught hold of the tether and tied the animal where he could do no more damage.

     Mr. Perry managed to get into the house and Dr. Palmer was summoned. He found that a large piece of flesh had been bitten out of the victim’s arm. Without delay he administered a large dose of anti-tetanic serum to prevent the possibility of lockjaw developing. He then advised that Perry be brought to the Jane McAlister hospital in Waukegan in order that he might secure the best of care. The trip here was made in an automobile.

Wife Witnessed Attack.

     Mr. Perry’s wife was an agonized spector of the whole affair. It was her cries that brought the neighbor’s boy on the run. As soon as possible after the accident the stallion was locked in the barn. There it seemed to go mad suddenly. It charges against the sides of the barn, rears, plunges and snorts like a wild beast. No one dares to go into the barn for fear of being attacked. The only way the animal can be fed is for someone to place a ladder against the barn, climb through a window and toss hay through an opening in the floor. The horse is a valuable creature, said to be worth $2,500. Otherwise he probably would have been killed before this.

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