Rest is Broken Nights by Barking of Dogs at Night Who Are Hunting Rats.
Must Exterminate One.
Have About Decided That it Would be Most Satisfactory to Kill the Rodents.
    If all other means fail residents of Chestnut street may open a systematic campaign of extermination against the rodents who infest the ruins of the Wainwright Mattress factory on that street. They don’t care so much about the presence of the rats, but the presence there of the rodents has been the means of attracting nearly every dog within a radius of several blocks. These dogs, it is complained make the night hideous with their barking and howling.
    The condition, according to people living in that vicinity, has continued for some time but they have put up with the nuisance because they thought the dogs might tire of their sport and allow people in the neighborhood to sleep. But there is no indication that this is the intention of the dogs, therefore the determination on the part of residents to do something.
    Shortly after the mattress factory burned down, some rats found the debris made a fine place to build their nests. They multiplied rapidly and soon there were hundreds of them scampering about.
    Some of the dogs in the neighborhood soon discovered this fact and they spread the joyful tidings to the other dogs of their acquaintance. At times it is said there are from ten ot twenty dogs digging about in the ruins for rats.
    This would not be so bad, it is said, if the dogs did their hunting in the daytime but it is claimed they perfer to be there at night. There are big dogs and little dogs, “black dogs, white dogs, tan dogs, well bred dogs and the ordinary cur-infact it is possible to find almost any kind there. No two of them bark in the same key and the breaking loose of Bedlam certain could not be much worse than the variegated barking and howling. This continues the greater part of the night at times and people are robbed of their slumber.
    The matter has grown serious. It has resolved itself into one of two things.
    First-Kill the dogs.
    Second-Destroy the rats.
    Because the owners might object to the former course it is thought to be more logical to wage warfare on the rats. Just how this wil be done has not been determined but the residents of the street insist they must have some relief from the noise. They may secure this by causing the rubbish in the basement to be carted away.
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