Fourteen Year Old Lad Shows Presence of Mind Which Results in His Escape.
    A miraculous escape from serious injury or death happened in Zion City Friday afternoon. About 2 o’clock a horse and rig belonging to the American Express Company suddenly went bounding along Elijah avenue at full speed. A boy about 14 years of age named Richard Siemeil was seated in the rig at the time the horse bolted and as the horse and rig turned slightly in front of Zion Stores some thought the boy would be killed as the rig was headed for the hitching posts. The horse swung out, however, and, missing the posts, galloped off south along the avenue. Up Emmaus avenue and along Enoch avenue they went, with indications that at any moment the rig would capsize. The boy, however sat upon the seat and remained in the rig. Others, with less presence of mind, would have attempted to leap out, as the horse and rig might have crashed into a building or curbing and been overturned. Holding tight to the seat and with the reins trailing on the ground, the boy certainly had a perilous ride. At last the horse turned down Twenty-ninth street, and, rushing across the North Western railroad tracks, narrowly missed being struck by a fast express train, the rig crossing the tracks just before the train.
    Arriving at the Zion bakery building the horse around the corner and the buggy overturned, throwing the boy into the sand. Beyond a scatch on the wrist, he was uninjured.
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