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Dogs At Court.

     Sir Thomas Roe took out some English mastiffs to India, as a present for the Great Mogul; they were of marvellous courage. One of them leapt overboard to attack a school of porpoises, and was lost. Only two of them lived to reach India. They travelled each in a little coach to Agra; one broke loose by the way, fell upon a large elephant, and fastened in his truck, the elephant at last seceeded in hurling him off. This story delighted the Mogul, and these dogs in consequence came to as extraordinary a fortune as Whittington’s cat. Each had a palanquin to take the air in, with two attendants to bear him, and two more to walk on each side and fan off the flies; and the Mogul had a pair of silver tongs made, that he might, when he pleased feed them with his own hand.

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