To the Editor of the Commercial Journal.
Quebec Trader, off South Islands of Arren, Galway Bay, Feb. 8, 1827.
Sir-Having this favorable opportunity of transmitting to you the following wonderful occurrence, which may be the means of setting to rest all doubts as to the existence of a marine monster, supposed to be the sea serpent, I readily do so, particularly as I have so many respectable witnesses to support me in the truth of what we saw. Being bound from Rhode Island to Liverpool, on yesterday morning, the south Islands of Arren came in sight, 30 miles east. We at the same time discovered, about two miles ahead, a vessel, seemingly a wreck, not having a spar or rope standing. On nearing, I ordered the gig and six men to board her; and was shortly after hailed by the mate who was one of the partly, for assistance, as they pulled from the wreck with all possible speed. I hove the Quebec to the wind, and presently learned that Thomas Wilson, being the first to board, was instantly devoured by a most horrible animal, the like of which they had never seen or heard of. By the time the wreck was driven to about a cable length of our stern, from which I could plainly and distinctly see a monster of the serpent kind, laying partly coiled upon the deck, its head erected about four feet, and its hind part in the hatches, the hat of poor Thomas lying close alongside it. The surprise and consternation which struck all on board, deprived us of the thought of planning any mode for its capture, was such a thing possible, the thought of our unfortunate companion filled us with horror. However, I fired a shot from a six pounder, which unluckily could not be brought to bear sufficiently high. It struck the hull, at the same moment the animal raised its head, body and tail, in six or seven folds, to the height of a man each, extending itself from the tiller to the bows’ its eyes were large, of red color, and much distorted; its throat and neck larger than any other part, of a green hue, as were its body and sides, and back black and scaly. It had ears or fins suspended near the head similar to an eel, and on the nostrils a horny excresence, blunt, and about 18 inches long; its chops were broad and flat. Whilst I was preparing a second salute with ball and slugs, it glided majestically into the sea, gave a splash with its tail, and disappeared. Shortly after, myself, John Adams, mate, Mr. William Nightingale, and Mr. Robert Crocker, passengers, boarded her, and with grief had our forebodings for the fate of Wilson verified, he being no where to be found; the vessel was waterlogged, and in a sinking state; a substance of a tar-like nature, but highly corrosive, as it blistered the hands upon taking it up, was upon the deck, some of which has been preserved; it is supposed to be the excrement of the animal. Our conjecture is, that the monster being attracted by the bodies of the sufferers in the wreck, had taken up its abode there and devoured them. We consider its length to be about 60 feet, and its girth from 9 to 12 feet. I remain, Sir, your obedient servant, Thomas Cleary, Master.
We the undersigned certify the truth of the above.
John Adams, Mate,
W.M. Nightgale, and
Robert Crocker, Passengers.
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