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Bird Doesn’t Have To Fly.

Washington Specimen Uses the Street Car as His Particular Means of Transportation.

     Now that spring is here, it may interest bird lovers to know that at least one bird has solved the problem of transportation without the use of wings.

     Birds are famous for their migrations, but hitherto they always have used wings. Now comes along one local bird who gets hinself from place to place with scarcely the flap of a wing.

     This bird came riding down Pennsylvania avenue about eleven o’clock one morning last week. He was perched on the roof of a street car coming from Georgetown.

     When the car stopped at Eleventh street the bird alighted, and walked gravely up and down the platform. He was a fine, big fellow, with a black body and a blue head, but did not look like a blackbird.

     After surveying the post office department for a bit, the bird flew over to a car about to leave for Mount Vernon, and established himself on the roof.

     When the car pulled out, the bird was with it.-Washington Star.

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