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Monthly Archives: July 2011

Horse and Pig.

     A horse belonging to Fred Wright was bitten by a hog last Saturday and narrowly escaped bleeding to death, an artery being severed. Dr. Butterfield was called to care for the injured animal.

Baby Buggy is Stamped To Bits By Angry Horse.

Case Where Mother Had the Forethought To Take the Child Inside Store. Waukegan, September 30.      This is a tale of what might have been than what really was!      It happened Saturday evening, that is, part of it did-what might have happened, hasn’t happened yet, but, it may!      Saturday evening some kind and […]

Man-Eating Horse Bites Man’s Face.

Fred Schafer of 457 Belvidere St., has a real “man-eating” horse. At least that is what he claims. Schaefer bought the horse about two days ago. This morning when he went into the stall the horse reached out his head and took a good sized bite in Schafer’s face. About noon Schafer’s condition was learned […]

Dies From Bite of Stallion.

     Bloomington, Ill., June 28.-Following a furious struggle with a maddened stallion, which seized his leg with its teeth, William Greenfield, a Mount Zion farmer, is dead from blood poisoning.

A Camel’s Kick Worse than a Mule’s.

     The camel’s kick is a study. As it stands demurely chewing the cud, and gazing abstractedly at some totally different far-away object, up goes a hind leg, drawn close into the body, with the foot pointing out; a short pause, and out it flies with an action like the piston and connecting-rod of a […]


     While driving along the road a little south of the village of Antioch, one day last week, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Huntly met with a somewhat serious mishap. A hog beside the road frightened their horse causing him to upset the buggy. Both occupants were thrown to the ground and Mr. Huntley was […]

A Grateful Horse.

     A curious incident occured at the coal yard of Messrs. Williams & Cassidy, at Covington, Ky., a few days since, which shows conclusively that a horse is something more than a brute. An old black horse had just been driven into the yard, hitched to a watering cart. The belly-band, an antiquated rotten concern, […]

Horse Knocks An Auto Into Ditch; Machine Wrecked.

     Marengo, Ill.-It may have been memories of ancient wrongs, when he was crowded out of the road by noisy automobiles, or perhaps it was just blind fear, that caused old Dobbin to bolt straight toward a light touring car on the Marengo-Woodstock road and knock it to the side of the road, wrecking it […]

An Enraged Horse.

     Yesterday afternoon Mr. J. W. Swanbroughs stallion “Senaca Chief,” after having received a pretty severe and merited whipping became greatly enraged and, when Mr. Swanbrough was in the act of putting a briddle on the animal, he caught him on the left arm with his teeth and rearing, lifted him high in the air […]

Eight Year Old Youngster Stops Runaway.

After Men Had Failed To Do It. Grabbed A Horse By Bit, Dragged Half Block But Clung On.      Saturday evening Willie Litt, an 8 year old boy living on the west side performed a daring feat for, while men watched a runaway team dash up the street, he threw down his pack of newspapers […]