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Monthly Archives: February 2011

Deer, bear, wolves.

A Tough Old Hunter. The Exploits of Phin Teeple-Slaying Thousands of Deer and Hundreds of Bears-How His Boys Killed a Bear. Susquehanna Depot, Pa. [Dec,2], Correspondence of the New York San. Old Phin Teeple, of Preston, Wayne County, has been absent some weeks in the forests of Potter County hunting. Phin is 70 years old, […]

Deadly Snakes And Hogs.

Why Venomous Reptiles Do Not Flourish Here.-The Reason India is Infested With Snakes-Reptiles Driving an Army Back-The American Pioneers Best Friend-A Fight Between a Sow and Rattlesnake. The Editor of the New York Sun:      Sir: An editorial published in the Sun on the subject of the terrible mortality from snake bites in India, disclosed […]

Hogs And Garbage.

North Branch Street And Vicinity Given Over To Them.      “If you want to see the dirtest spot in Chicago,” said Mr. William Coakley, of No. 306 North Branch street, to a reporter of the Tribune yesterday, “you ought to go over to Goose Island. It is -that is, about where I live-the filthiest hole […]

Lion Will Make Parachute Leap.

     At the special meeting of the committeemen of the Waukegan Day festival, it was decided to procure a twentieth century paradox which is advertised as the latest and most sensational act in the world in which Prof. F. P. Robinson and a lion leap in mid-air from a monstrous balloon.      The lion jumps […]

Hunt Bears In City’s Streets.

  Several Already Slain In Duluth, Minn. One Routed By A Woman. Uses dipper of hot water on him-Didn’t want him in kitchen while she was busy making preserves.      Duluth, Minn.-The annual invasion of Duluth by members of the bear tribe began the other day, and has been continuous ever since. Ten bears have […]

Mexican Woman Eaten By Bears.

     A very sad occurrence is reported from the Upper Gila, Mexico. A Mexican woman named Sisto Wesley, who had lost a little child a short time since., went to the graveyard to mourn over the grave of her little one, and while there two bears set upon her and devoured her.

Tragic Fate of a Young Huntress.

     A fearful tale is told, in the Port Jervis [N. Y.] Union of a recent date of the fate of Lottie Merrill, the young huntress of Wayne County, Pa. According to this account she had met a most tragic death, having been attacked in her hut by six bears, killed and eaten by them, […]

Mouse in Paster’s Trousers.

Terril,-Standing in the pulpit of the Methodist church here the other Sunday, Rev. Sutton continued his discourse to the members of his congregation, though a mouse had run up inside his trousers leg, he did not wish to lose his dignity or frighten the feminine members of his congregation, and finally managed to catch the […]

Girl Slays Two Bears.

Grizzlies attack young Indian maid, Who uses rifle and knife effectively.      Pony, Mont.-Annie Big Elk, a 15-year-old Indian girl, living near here, fought a desperate battle with two grizzly bears, and finally killed them both, one of them with a knife and the other with a rifle. The girl was badly lacerated by the […]

Polar Bear Actions.

Artic Monsters in marvelously Awe inspiring and Amusing Displays.      The Carl Hagenbeck & Great Wallace Circus presents more denizens of frozen wastes than ever Artic explorer looked upon at one time. Gathered in a great steel barred arena with a single intrepid trainer, they respond to his every wish and suggestion with intelligence so […]