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Monthly Archives: June 2010

Here’s Real Gratitude.

     When a sheep was about to be slaughtered, it leaped into the stall of a horse owned by Horton Hayes, Whitefield, N. H. The horse protected it. Now the sheep trots along with the horse wherever it goes, keeping up with its fastest pace.

When Elephants Die.

     The opinion is widely held in India that elephants, when they feel that death is near, retire to secret places in the jungle, where they die far from the sight of man. Thus is explained the fact, so often cited that the skeletons of elephants are almost never met with except those killed by […]

Thrown from a Horse and Killed.

     Newman, Ill., Oct. 2.-Otis Coffey, 14-years old, was riding a horse in a pasture and was thrown from the animal against a tree, killing him almost instantly.


     Saturday at 6 o’clock a horse belonging to a milkman, Martin Oleson standing near Berry’s got scared and started to run across the street, creating quite a commotion as people scattered to avoid being run over. Three boys barely escaped. The horse dashed towards Howard Lord’s window and in turning, its foot got in […]


     W. G. Farmer, Esq, of Libertyville, had the misfortune to have a team run away with a plow a few week’s since. One of the horses was badly injured, the cords of one of the legs being severed, and last week, the epzootic having set in, and there being little or no hope of […]

Strange Accident To a Horse.

Animal in Fighting Flies Gets Hoof Wedged Between Teeth.      Joseph Metzger, a Galena sewing machine agent, found his horse suffering frightful agonies in his barn. One of the hind feet of the animal was firmly wedged in its mouth. The horse had apparently been fighting flies, had caught an ankle in its jaws, and […]

Farmer is Hanged by Horse.

Herman Korte Meets Death in Strange Way Near Centralia.      Herman Korte, a Germantown farmer, was hanged by his own horse. After stacking wheat he was overcome by the heat while feeding his horse in the barn and his head caught in a looped halter strap that was fastened to the manger and the animal […]

Dragged By Hair For a Mile.

Mrs. W. J. Latchford Meets Horrible Death in Van Wert, Ohio.      Mrs. W. J. Latchford, wife of the vice-president of the Royal Packing Company of Chicago, met a terrible death near Van Wert, Ohio. She was visiting in the city, and, securing a horse and buggy from a livery stable, went for a drive […]

Accident at Circus.

     Mrs. Clark Chandler, of Gurnee, had a miraculous escape from fatal injury last Friday afternoon at the circus grounds in Waukegan.      Mrs. Chandler, accompanied by her three children, had driven to the grounds in a surrey drawn by a team of grays, supposedly gentle. One of the animals reared and plunged at sight […]

Army Mules Killed.

Animals Mangled to Death on Transport Siam During Typhoon.      The United States transport Siam, which left San Francisco Sept. 9 with upward of 330 valuable mules, the coming of which had been anxiously awaited at manila, as mules are in great demand for continuing the campaign, arrived Friday morning and reported that all but […]