Published in the Waukegan Daily Sun, Waukegan, Illinois on Monday, June 30, 1913
    Adrian, Mich., June 30.-Doctors fear inturnal injuries may have been sustained by Alvin Porter, of Ogden, when a bull attacked him in the field and trampled upon him. Three ribs were crushed in. Portor went to disentangle the animal from a wire fence.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Published in the Waukegan Daily Sun, Waukegan, Illinois on Tuesday, November 22, 1898
President to be Petitioned to Permit the Shows to Continue After American Occupation. Â Â Â Â At a recent meeting of the professional bullfighters in Havana it was determined to forward to President McKinley a petition that, after the beginning of American control, there be no legal steps taken to prevent them from carrying on their amusement. […]
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Published in the Waukegan Gazette, Waukegan, Illinois on Saturday, November 29, 1879
A combat on the margin of the sea between Spain’s favorite and monsterous octopi. Tokeo [Japan] Times. Â Â Â Â The story given below was communicated by a correspondent; “The author of “Schuykidan” who lived some sixty years ago, was once traveling in Mutta, one of the northern provinces. Walking one day near the beach he heard […]
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Published in the Lake County Independent, Libertyville, Illinois on Friday, July 27, 1894
    At Beaver Dam there was a genuine bull fight. Two farmers lived in the neighborhood. One had a Durham bull and the other a Jersey bull. For some time past they had indulged in a great deal of bandying as to who had the better animal. It was finally arranged that they pit the […]
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Published in the Waukegan Daily Sun, Waukegan, Illinois on Friday, February 3, 1899
    William Bridon, prominent farmer of Canal township, Pa., was attacked by a vicious bull and fatally injured. Two brave daughters of the wounded man, hearing his cries for help, got axes and finally dispatched the enraged animal.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Published in the Lake County Independent, Libertyville, Illinois on Friday, September 29, 1899
Disappointed Mexican Spectators Become Enraged.     Failure on the part of the manager of a Campeche, Mexico, bull fight to fulfill his promises resulted in a general riot, during which many persons were badly injured. The manager had advertised fights with six fierce bulls and Spanish picadors were billed to perform the highest feats of the […]
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Published in the Belvidere Standard, Belvidere, Illinois on Tuesday, May 31, 1864
    Mr. John Wilson, a man of sixty-four years of age, living in the town of Serena, had a narrow escape from being gored to death by a young bull, on the morning of the 19th ult. Going into his cow yard, the bull made a rush at him, and threw him down with his […]
Published in the Lake County Independent, Libertyville, Illinois on Friday, June 24, 1904
    In a wreck on the Kansas City Southern two men were killed and several slightly injured. The wreck occurred at Rosepine, La., and was caused by a bull which charged the locomotive on a trestle. The engine and two coaches fell into a ditch.
Published in the Waukegan Daily Sun, Waukegan, Illinois on Wednesday, February 20, 1918
Old Farmers Pluck and Presence of Mind Save His Life. Â Â Â Â Knocked down and rolled over and over by an angry bull in a field at the County hospital at Farnhurst, Del. Alfred Brown, sixty years old, was saved by his own presence of mind and the timely assistance of Robert McFarlin. Â Â Â Â When Brown […]
Published in the Waukegan Daily Sun, Waukegan, Illinois on Saturday, November 3, 1917
Ohio Youth Makes Record as a Toreador Without Weapons. Â Â Â Â Spain, land of toreadors, should hear of Albert Hosmer, fourteen, of Parkman, Ohio. Â Â Â Â As a bull fighter Hosmer has just made a record, without weapons. Â Â Â Â A bull owned by the boy’s father charged as he sought to feed the animal an apple. He […]