Friday, September 16, 2011
Published in the Lake County Independent, Libertyville, Illinois on Friday, July 28, 1905
    The troop stable at Fort Washakie, sixteen miles from Lander, Wyo., has been destroyed by fire. Fifty horses belonging to troop F, Tenth United States cavalry, were burned and also three mules and considerable saddlery. The horses were large sorrels and among the finest in the army.
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Friday, September 16, 2011
Published in the Lake County Independent, Libertyville, Illinois on Friday, December 23, 1904
    Because John Davis’ chickens scratched up Mayor Murrell’s front garden the two men had a shotgun duel in the street at Church Point, La., resulting in the serious wounding of Davis and instant killing of his two-year-old son by a stray shot.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Published in the Lake County Independent, Libertyville, Illinois on Friday, January 11, 1907
[From Wednesdays Sun] Â Â Â Â Yesterday the police of Waukegan shot four dogs for the crime of chicken murder. Â Â Â Â The canines had killed, maimed and mistreated chickens belonging to Louis Thewes, Miss Hill, Mrs. Rod Wells and Mrs. Fillenbeck, all of whom live on different sections of the north side, ranging from Sheridan road west […]
Friday, September 16, 2011
Published in the Lake County Independent, Libertyville, Illinois on Friday, May 20, 1898
    Seventy-four horses and twenty-five carriages and wagons were consumed in a fire which destroyed the livery barn of F. G. Dalgren. Sixty-ninth street and Rock Island tracks, Chicago.
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Friday, September 16, 2011
Published in the Waukegan Daily Sun, Waukegan, Illinois on Friday, December 24, 1897
The big elk in Forest park paddock in St. Louis was killed. The animal had become too cross for safety. It was brought from Chicago. At Lincoln Park it gored and killed two men, and in the fall of 1895 killed Henry Nelson, keeper of the Forest Park paddock.
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Friday, September 16, 2011
Published in the Waukegan Daily Sun, Waukegan, Illinois on Monday, April 27, 1914
    South Bend, Ind., April 27.-Maggie Kenna, aged five years, was killed and Steven Hants, aged ten years, was injured when a frightened horse dashed into a crowd of children.
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Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Published in the Waukegan Daily Sun, Waukegan, Illinois on Wednesday, September 26, 1917
    East St. Louis, Sept. 26-Five hundred horses are believed to have been burned to death in a fire this afternoon which is reported to be sweeping over the National Stockyards. Four blocks of the yards have been wiped out at 2 o’clock. The damage was estimated at that time to be $200,000.
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Sunday, September 4, 2011
Published in the Illinois Intelligencer, Vandalia, Illinois on Saturday, January 5, 1828
    A child was left tied to a chair, in a house near Easton, Md. while its mother went for a bucket of water-during her absence, a hog entered the room, upset the chair, and threw the child into the fire, where it was so shockingly burnt, that it survived only a few hours.
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Sunday, September 4, 2011
Published in the Illinois Intelligencer, Vandalia, Illinois on Thursday, March 2, 1826
    On Saturday last a son, aged five years, of Mr. Daniel Huffman, living about fifty miles north of this place, in this county, while his mother was engaged in her domestic concerns, left the house, and as she supposed, was playing near it. His absence occasioned no uneasiness until night, when his parents made […]
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Thursday, September 1, 2011
Published in the Illinois Intelligencer, Vandalia, Illinois on Wednesday, January 18, 1826
    A circumstance quite uncommon in the north, lately happened in Scania. A woman at work in the fields laid her infant on the ground, at a little distance; soon after an eagle pounced upon the infant, and carried it away. The poor woman who heard the cries of the child in the air, is […]
Filed in Eagles
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