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Monthly Archives: November 2017

The Hog Ordinance

Some months ago the City Council very properly, and in accordance with the wishes of three-fourths of the people of the city, passed an ordinance prohibiting the running at large of hogs on our streets. This has been an evil which our citizens for years have endeavored to eradicate, but were overborne by the influence […]

Lizards Kill A Woman

Swallowed Reptile in Glass of Water About 10 Years Ago. Post-Mortem Examination Reveals the Presence of Fifteen, Some of Which Were Still Alive. Trebton, N.J., Feb. 19.-As a result of drinking a lizard in a glass of water ten years ago, Mrs. Ida Dyeson is dead at her home in this city. The case is […]

Gorilla Kills Bulldog

Fight Between Animals Witnessed By many New Iberis “Sports.” New Orleans. Feb. 4.-Almost the entire population of new Iberia, assembled to witness an advertised battle between a gorilla and an English Bulldog. The gorilla won in a little over 2 minutes, and much betting was indulged in on the outcome of the fight. A pen […]

Eagle Attacks Alligator

Reptile is so badly gashed it may die of injuries. San Francisco, Feb. 7.-A desperate battle was fought in the Golden Gate park aviary between a large golden eagle and a four-foot alligator. The fight was waged in the air, on land and in the water and the alligator was so badly gashed that it […]


Eleven fine fat seals and an ice monkey from the arctic regions, have recently arrived at Boston, on their way to the world’s fair. The monkey is one of those rare species which live on the ice, sport with walruses and seals, and live on fish.

Bull Fight

A bull fight was lately advertised at Placerville, California, but the Americans, not liking the Spanish amusements, lassoed the bull, whipped the matadores, and tore down the building.