Published in the Lake County Independent, Libertyville, Illinois on Friday, May 17, 1901
Wooster, Ohio, Woman Learns Cause of Six Years Suffering. Â Â Â Â Mrs. Mary Swain of Wooster, Ohio, has been complaining of pains in her stomach for the past six years. A few weeks ago she commenced treatment with a county physician, who gave her medicine for stomach worms. The remedy brought to light the startling discovery […]
Published in the Lake County Independent, Libertyville, Illinois on Friday, April 5, 1907
    A hen belonging to Chas. Woolridge of Libertyville is an ardent disciple of the frenzied life. Twice recently she has laid eggs with three complete yolks inside. The eggs, nearly six inches long, measure over a foot in circumference measuring around the tips.     All the hens in the neighboring henneries have given up […]
Published in the Lake County Independent, Libertyville, Illinois on Friday, April 5, 1907
Mail Carrier Seriously Injured by Terriffied Team-Horses upset Mail Wagon and break Carrier’s Ribs and Collar Bone. Â Â Â Â Lake Villa was the scene of a thrilling runaway last week and as a result Earnest Shepardson, the rural mail carrier for that village is in a critical condition at his home, with three ribs broken and […]
Published in the Waukegan Daily News, Waukegan, Illinois on Friday, October 5, 1906
    While Abe Diamond was driving across the Chicago & Northwestern tracks at Madison street, east side, this morning, his horse became frightened at a passing engine and turned completely around in the harness, unhitching himself with the exception of one tug.     The junk dealer now claims the possession of the champion trick horse […]
Published in the Waukegan Gazette, Waukegan, Illinois on Saturday, January 16, 1886
    Reading, Pa., Jan. 14.-While Cyrus P. Miller, a leading lawyer of Lebanon, was riding in a sleigh through the streets of that city Tuesday, the horse drew up in front of a bank at which Mr. Miller was accustomed to stop. It was then discovered that he was dead, though the corpse sat upright […]
Published in the Waukegan Daily Sun, Waukegan, Illinois on Tuesday, January 30, 1912
Several women injured as Result of Scramble for Strickly New Produce. Â Â Â Â Superior, Wis.,-Jan. 30.-An auction of several dozen fresh eggs caused such a scramble of women that many suffered pulled hair, torn clothing, and bruises. Â Â Â Â Some even climbed to the windows of the building where the eggs were being sold. The eggs were […]
Published in the Waukegan Gazette, Waukegan, Illinois on Saturday, January 10, 1880
    The smartest Newfoundland dog yet discovered lives at Haverhill, Mass. He meets the newsboy at the gate every morning and carries his master’s paper into the house, that is, he did so the other day, when his master stopped taking the paper. The next morning the dog noticed the boy passing on the other […]
Published in the Waukegan Gazette, Waukegan, Illinois on Saturday, July 10, 1880
Groton [N. Y.] Journal. Â Â Â Â We think that A. H. Clark has the sheep that stands No. 1, as far as sagacity is concerned. It is a male, and during the summer was pastured with some calves in an apple-crchard adjoining the residence. There were several trees in the orchard well loaded with early fruit. […]
Published in the Waukegan Gazette, Waukegan, Illinois on Saturday, August 7, 1880
The steel works of the Lackawanna Iron & Coal Company at Scranton have the reputation of being well managed, and as free from accident as any similar establishment in the United States, but for all that the mill is not free from superstitious. While visiting the works a few evenings ago, and watching the glow […]