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Monthly Archives: July 2011

A Straight Steer Crows For Profit.

     The crow bounty law, which goes into effect July 1, will probably create a new industry in Illinois. By the terms of this law every crow’s egg will be worth five cents at the county treasurer’s office. What is to hinder a man from securing several pairs of crows and going into the crow […]

Pigeon Stealing in Egypt.

[Exchange]      Miss Sartorius, in her book on the Soudan and Egypt, says: “Every village has its pigeon houses, looking like great mud cones, and in the evening the owners go out and call them in. But when a man wants to get hold of extra pigeons, instead of calling them he frightens pigeons away. […]


     In a recent trip to Sparta, Wis., Messrs. R. O. Earl and C. H. Rice, of this city, indulged in pigeon hunting on a grand scale. They visited a pigeon roost and captured between 800 and 900 pigeons, nearly all young ones. They were taken with nets and are now being fattened in Waukegan. […]

Chick Hatched By Pigeon.

Oak Ridge, Mich., Fancier Discovers Unique Fate of Prize Egg.      Oak Ridge, Mich., April 29.-Frank Briggs, in his pigeon loft was attracted by the “cheep, cheep” of a chick.      Mr. Briggs is a chicken fancier and became lest one of his prize chickens had escaped. He found that a pigeon had hatched an […]

Wild Pigeons Were Once Very Plentiful Here.

Sight of Stuffed Pigeon Refreshes Memories of Old Residents Here. Tell Of The Slaughter. Millions of the Birds Were Killed a Few Years Ago. None Found Now.      The appearance in the window of the Ingalls jewelry store of a stuffed passenger pigeon that was killed fifty-one years ago has caused considerable retrospection on the […]

Slaughter Sheep In Oregon.

     On Hunerer’s creek, Grant County, Oregon, 280 sheep belonging to J. C. Moor of Mount Vernon were slaughtered, presumably by settlers and cattlemen. Armed men came upon the band at night and fired buckshot into them.

Flock Of 2,800 Sheep Stolen

Largest Live Stock Theft in Texas in Years.-Worth $15,000.      Sanderson, Texas, April 6.-A. G. Anderson, has discovered that a flock of sheep numbering 2,800 head and valued at about $15,000 was stolen from his ranch in the upper end of this country a few nights ago. It is the biggest live stock theft that […]

Old Gobbler Kept Peace.

Intelligence Displayed by Turkey Proved Him the “Right Bird in the Right Place.      Unlike the ordinary run of turkeys, Ben, a mammoth bronze gobbler that one of our contributors owned, had a great deal of sense. One day, our friend writes, our nearest neighbor’s entire flock of turkeys invaded our farmyard and soon started […]

Chilly Weather Kills Turkeys; Price To Soar.

Local Butchers Predict a 40 cent Quotation by Next Thanksgiving Day. 325 Birds Out of 400 Die in One Flock on One Farm Alone in Lake County.      Thousands of young turkeys, nearly the entire supply for Thanksgiving and Christmas have perished in recent rainy, cold and inclement weather in the vicinity of Waukegan. Predict […]

Ten Gallons Of Mash Starts “Fowl” Spree.

By International News Service.      Nashua, N. H., Oct. 7.-Shortly after federal inspectors dumped ten gallons of mash into the yard of JosephVegas, of this city, a flock of chickens, geese and ducks fell upon it.      Soon they had been provided with enough “kick” to send them staggering about the yard. Ganders made eye […]