Sunday, September 12, 2010
Published in the Waukegan Gazette, Waukegan, Illinois on Saturday, March 8, 1879
    Colonel Stuart Wortley, an English officer, tells the following story of a cat whose acquaintance he made during the Crimean war. After the French troops had taken the Malakoff, I was sent into it on duty, and found an unhappy cat bayoneted through the foot and pinned to the ground. I took her to […]
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Published in the Waukegan Gazette, Waukegan, Illinois on Saturday, May 14, 1881
    A most remarkable incident occurred on Sunday morning last at ten o’clock, on Melpomene. near Howard street, which will probably result fatally to John Grace, aged three and one-half years. On Saturday night a shed in the rear of Mrs. Grace’s premises blew down, and a cat was caught in the debris. Little Johnnie, […]
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Published in the Waukegan Gazette, Waukegan, Illinois on Saturday, May 30, 1874
A deer chased by dogs, took refuge near where a man was squaring timber. The man drove the dogs off, and the deer remained with him all day, allowing him to fondle it, and appearing to feel a lively sense of gratitude for the man’s interference on its behalf.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Published in the Waukegan Gazette, Waukegan, Illinois on Saturday, May 30, 1874
    Last fall, while an old gentleman was at work in his garden, his cat came to him and cried and appeared to be in great distress. The old gentleman spoke kindly to her and she went away, but soon returned and still cried, and going a little way would come back to him and […]
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Published in the Waukegan Gazette, Waukegan, Illinois on Monday, July 8, 1878
    A few days ago, says a correspondent of Forest and Stream, some corn meal mixed with arsenic was set in my yard to exterminate the many rodents which were infesting it. The plate of poison was soon surrounded with rats, each one eager to obtain its full share. At length one much larger and […]
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Published in the Waukegan Gazette, Waukegan, Illinois on Saturday, May 27, 1882
    An experiment tried recently by a woman in Hoboken to detect the presence of sewer-gas in her rooms was a topic of conversation among the sanitary inspectors at the rooms of the board of health yesterday. The woman had noticed an offensive oder in her parlor, and she went to the agent of the […]
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Published in the Waukegan Gazette, Waukegan, Illinois on Saturday, July 25, 1885
 [Havrs de Grace Republican.]     A Mr. Hubbard, a bay fisherman, says that late in the spring you will often see a school of about fifty small catfish, not more than a quarter of an inch in length, very near the shore, and if you look ten or twelve feet further out you will […]
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Published in the Waukegan Gazette, Waukegan, Illinois on Saturday, June 20, 1885
    A Wilkesbarro, Pa., women fell off a chair and broke three ribs and a collar-bone while trying to hang a neighbor’s cat for eating her chickens.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Published in the Waukegan Daily Sun, Waukegan, Illinois on Wednesday, March 27, 1901
    At Otterbein University the other night, says the Indianapolis Press, a Jersey cow, with “Your Valentine” painted on its side, was placed in the recitation room of Prof. Snavely with a dozen pumpkins and several shocks of fodder. During the night the cow pushed its head through a window pane and broke several seats.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Published in the Waukegan Daily Sun, Waukegan, Illinois on Wednesday, March 27, 1901
    Jerry, the fighting black cat of the fish commission steamer Albatross, after 16 years of service, recently met another black cat and died as a result of the encounter. The ship’s crew buried the mascot, wrapped in the flag, with martial honors, and held a court-martial over his slayer. The later was sentenced to […]