Friday, December 16, 2011
Published in the Waukegan Gazette, Waukegan, Illinois on Saturday, March 16, 1878
    In the New Jersey calender Tuesday was “sheep day,” so called because upon one day in each year the township committees are in session to receive complaints from farmers and sheep-owners. These complaints state the number and value of the sheep which have been killed by dogs during the year. These losses are paid […]
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Published in the Waukegan Gazette, Waukegan, Illinois on Saturday, October 14, 1876
The Journal du Havre recounts a terrible encounter between the lion-tamer, Bidel, and a number of wild beasts. Bidel’s custom was to go into the cage of these ferocious animals accompanied by a sheep, which was by his presence kept safe from attack. On a recent occasion he proceeded to the lion’s cage, and his […]
Friday, September 16, 2011
Published in the lake County Independent, Libertyville, Illinois on Friday, December 23, 1904
    Six thousand head of sheep slaughtered of an approximate value of $20,000, without a single indictment from the grand jury, is the record of the past season in central Oregon. At different times in the past the cattle interests have been accused of having an organization which has been responsible for these depredations.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Published in the Illinois Intelligencer, Vandalia, Illinois on Thursday, February 16, 1826
    A new trick has been played, says the Saratoga Sentinel of the 13th, by “the wooden nutmeg gentry.” A considerable demand existing in the southern part of this state for merino sheep, these witty knaves prepared a large number of English sheep, by clipping the ends of the wool, applying a hot iron to […]
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Published in the Illinois Intelligencer, Vandalia, Illinois on Thursday, February 2, 1826
    We read of 42 sheep being killed out of one flock, near Winchester, Va. by dogs in one night, which also wounded 10 or 12 more. Wherever sheep abound, dogs should not; and it is every way right that the owners of dogs should be made responsible for damages like this committed on the […]
Published in the Lake County Independent, Libertyville, Illinois on Friday, August 1, 1902
    On Hunerer’s creek, Grant County, Oregon, 280 sheep belonging to J. C. Moor of Mount Vernon were slaughtered, presumably by settlers and cattlemen. Armed men came upon the band at night and fired buckshot into them.
Published in the Waukegan Daily Sun, Waukegan, Illinois on Wednesday, April 6, 1910
Largest Live Stock Theft in Texas in Years.-Worth $15,000. Â Â Â Â Sanderson, Texas, April 6.-A. G. Anderson, has discovered that a flock of sheep numbering 2,800 head and valued at about $15,000 was stolen from his ranch in the upper end of this country a few nights ago. It is the biggest live stock theft that […]
Published in the Waukegan Gazette, Waukegan, Illinois on Saturday, February 6, 1886
    A letter from D. N. Whipple, Gettysburg, Kan., states that the recent storms in the western part of Kansas have been very severe on the cattle and sheep in the ranges, and the losses have run from 10 to 125 head on small herds of cattle, and as high as 1000 out of 1500 […]
Published in the Waukegan Gazette, Waukegan, Illinois on Saturday, January 12, 1867
    These immense yards, which were incorporated in 1865, and opened to the public for business January 1, 1866, are now in full operation, and is the largest livestock market in the world. We give the following summary of their size and cost of construction, which will be valuable for reference:     Amount of land owned […]
Published in the Waukegan Daily Sun, Waukegan, Illinois on Monday, June 10, 1918
Sheep Run to the Hills, Hogs Grunt as a Signal, Dogs Fashion Their Own Bed. Â Â Â Â Sheep, when frightened, always run to an elevation, because their ancestors originally came from the mountains. They always follow a leader, because in the dangerous mountain passes their ancestors had to go in single file. Hogs grunt because their […]