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Category Archives: Bulls

Bulls category

Bull Hunt In Washitaw.

Perry Point, [Miss.] Dec. 3. 1833. Mr. Editor: The wild bull inhabits the forests of Washitaw, which lie on the West side of the Mississippi river, extending from the territory of Arkansas into the state of Louisiana-three hundred miles in length, from the North to South, and one hundred miles in width, from East to […]

Oxen. [Bulls]

A singular incident occurred in this town on Sunday last. It appears that some persons had been amusing themselves by worrying an ox that had been confined in the Wagon Yard for the purpose of being fattened and that they had employed for this purpose an old ragged coat. After he had become much incensed, […]

A Mad Bull.

Our neighbor of the U. States Gazette, records this morning, the adventures of a mad bull, who made his way down Chestnut st. yesterday, at a pace altogether too rapid for the safety of the foot passengers in that brilliant thoroughfare. The operations of the animal in other streets, however, are left unwritten by our […]


     Walter Morse, of the town of Ela, more generally and favorably known as “Dad” Morse, nearly  ninety years of age, was attacked by an infuriated bull [one of his own pet stock], and was roughly handled and terribly bruised. He was thrown in the air and struck on his head, and tumbled and jostled […]

Gored To Death By Bull.

     Aurora, Ill., April 25.-A bull, enraged at the sight of a red necktie worn by John Phail of Geneva, chased the man and gored him to death as he tried to climb a fence. The bull’s horns pierced Phail’s lungs. The animal trampled the man after he had fallen to the ground. Phail’s cries […]

Bull Attacks Man; His Collie Dog Saves Him 2 Hired Men’s Efforts Fail.

     Joe Atkinson of Roundout Vicinity Has Frightful Experience With Animal Which Previously Had Always Been Gentle-Two Farm Hands Rush To Aid Of Employer But The Bull Keeps On Goring And Pawing Him About The Yard-Collie Rushes To Rescue, And, With Bites And Barks, Detracts Bull’s Attention While Workmen Rescue Him.      With two hired […]

Novel Bullfight in California.

     A bull fight, in which the animals and the men armored in football costumes, was held near Los Angeles. Not a bit of gore was spilled and a wild outburst from the arena followed the decision of the judges in favor of the bulls.

Illinoisan Fatally Gored.

Wealthy Farmer Near Beecher Victim of Maddened Bull.      A wealthy farmer residing south of beecher, near Joliet, is dying at his home as a result of injuries received when he was gored by a mad bull.      He was chased for twenty minutes about a field and finally caught in a corner. Five ribs […]

Enraged Bull Kills Woman.

Doctor Essaying Part of Rescuer is also attacked.      Wabash, Ind., May 4.-Mrs. Philip Lemberger, wife of a prominent farmer, was gored to death by a bull at her home. Mrs. Lemberger was crossing a forty-acre field when she was attacked.      Dr. E. A. Rogers armed himself with a pitchfork and rushed to the […]

Football, Deadliest Sport.

Shown its Casualties Are Larger Than Those of Bull Fighting.      New York, April 15,-In an effort to show that football is a more brutal and deadly sport than bull fighting a statistician has compiled a table showing the total casualties in Spain from bull fighting during 1911. There were 872 bull fights, attended by […]