Published in the Chicago Daily Tribune, Chicago, Illinois on Sunday, February 21, 1892
Mammoth Hunt by Five Thousand Persons in Southeastern Kansas. Kansas City, Mo., Feb. 20.-[Special.] At 9 o’clock this morning an enormous wolf hunt started over Crawford and Bourbon Counties in Kansas. As a result about 300 wolves lie dead tonight. Both counties and others adjoining were scoured by over 5,000 men, women, and children armed […]
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Published in the Sangamo Journal, Springfield, Illinois on Wednesday, June 20, 1849
Last fall some time, a large Prairie wolf, who had acquired sufficient notoriety in the neighborhood northwest from Paris [Illinois] and not very far from the town, by his bold and daring depredations upon the lambs, pigs, etc. of the neighbors, to cause a reward of five dollars to be offered for his scalp; one […]
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Published in the Waukegan Daily Sun, Waukegan, Illinois on Thursday, February 9, 1899
Miss Ellen Walker, Near Chamberlain S. D., Captures Big Animal With a Running Noose. Miss Ellen Walker, who owns a stock ranch a few miles north of Chamberlain, S. D., has brought in the scalp of a large timber wolf which she captured herself. All fall she has been troubled with this wolf, which was […]
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Published in the Chicago Daily Tribune, Chicago, Illinois on Tuesday, May 27, 1879
A correspondent of the Pall Mau Gazette at Lisbon vouches for the truth of the following narrative, which he translates from the Dario de Notiolas: “At the distance of one kilometer from the village of Fratel, near Niza [i. e. on the frontier of Spain and Portugal, near the Town of Portalegre], Theresa Maria, who […]
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Published in the Chicago Daily Tribune, Chicag, Illinois on Sunday, December 7, 1873
From the Boston Transcript. Along the line of the Grand Trunk Railroad, between the Island Pond station and the French Village of Conticook, in Canada, a distance of 18 miles, the country is an almost unbroken forest, and wild animals are frequently seen beside the road staring in wonder at the passing train, while deer, […]
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Published in the Chicago Daily Tribune, Chicago, Illinois on Saturday, November 29, 1879
St. Petersburg, Russia. Oct. 7, about 7 a. m., the peasants from the adjoining villages had collected together at a fair which was held at the settlement of Darvenkoff, District of Izume, and the male portion of the assembly had dispersed to the drinking shops to make bargains and drink each others’ healths, leaving the […]
Published in the Waukegan Gazette, Waukegan, Illinois on Saturday, September 12, 1885
[Chicago Journal] Â Â Â Â Capt. Lloyd has been traveling in Scandinavia, where wolves are abundant. The animals are very fond of pork, and his plan of enticing them in order to shoot them was th keep a live pig in his sledge, and to pinch him in the night-time. In order further to deceive the wolves, […]
Published in the Waukegan Gazette, Waukegan, Illinois on Saturday, November 6, 1875
    If Henry V. Rice, a boy of Miami county, Kan., had been an Indian, his fame and name would have been made now. He lately brought a large she-wolf to bay, and had no gun or other instrument of death, except his naked hands. The wolf sprang at him, and young Rice caught the […]
Published in the Waukegan Gazette, Waukegan, Illinois on Saturday, June 2, 1866
  The Reading [Pa.] Times has the following: “Bear’ Miller, an old hunter, 92 years of age, was in this city on Monday morning, having walked from Maidencreek, a distance of twelve miles. He is a resident of Huntingdon county. He wears a beard about a foot long and as white as snow. He has […]
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Published in the Chicago Daily Tribune, Chicago, Illinois on Sunday, December 23, 1877
Correspondence New York Post. Â Â Â Â The Hudson’s Bay Company, during the season just past, have made their shrewd and abundant preparations for a successful winter’s trade, and the coming spring, no doubt, will show a corresponding result in a more than average catch. Â Â Â Â The first in point of value is the pine marten, or […]